Health Information Technology FAQs

General FAQs

I am interested in the program. How can I learn more?

Explore this website for more information, such as information about UMBC’s Health Information Technology master’s program, course descriptions, how to apply, and program costs.

We also host regular Open Houses and Q&A sessions for prospective students. This is a great opportunity to learn about the program and ask any questions.  View our calendar to see if we have any upcoming events where you can connect with us.

If you still have additional questions, please fill out our Contact Us form.

Who do I contact with administrative questions about the program?

If you are a current or newly admitted Health IT M.P.S. student with administrative questions about the program (such as schedules, deadlines, fees, policies, paperwork, graduation, class locations, class registration issues, credit transfer, etc.) or need to update your e-mail address please contact the OPP Student Success team at

Who do I contact with questions or concerns about the academic side of the program?

The Graduate Program Director (GPD) and Assistant Graduate Program Director (AGPD) are happy to discuss any feedback/questions/concerns you have with the academic side of the program or the HIT discipline & industry more generally. 

Given the nature of this program, email is the best way to reach program leadership to briefly discuss any questions not addressed in this document — then, if necessary, we can set up a time for a meeting.  

Dr. Van Dyke, GPD, can be reached at
Dr. Todd Karner, AGPD, can be reached at

Is there a document I can reference detailing who I should contact with program-related questions?

Yes! This information can be found by viewing HIT Program Contacts.

How can I request a letter of recommendation from HIT faculty?

Please send an email to the instructor from your UMBC account. Include the following information: a description of the opportunity (job, internship, scholarship, PhD program), the name of the company/school, a due date for the letter, and how the letter will be submitted (via portal, emailed to the company, etc.) When requesting a letter of recommendation, please give recommenders enough notice. 2 weeks is a good standard to aim for.

Applying to the Program

Who should apply to this program?

This program is designed to enhance the skills and expertise for people in a wide variety of health and technology related industries. Some examples of people who would be a good fit for this program are:

  • Clinicians (physicians, nurses, physician-assistants, dentists, etc.)
  • Electronic health record implementers, customizers, and educators
  • IT Professionals, software engineers, and developers interested in health care data mining
  • Researchers such as biologists, chemists, and psychologists interested in IT and data analytics
  • Systems analysts who want to sub-specialize in health care
  • Executives, leaders & managers of hospitals or health centers who require a robust understanding of the health IT operational environment
  • Contract and Procurement specialists
  • Health policy professionals
  • Aspirating health IT entrepreneurs
  • Passionate, dedicated visionaries dedicated to improve human health

I am preparing my application.  Who should I contact with questions?

Please contact

I applied and am waiting for a decision. How long will this take?

Our program endeavors to review applications and supply recommendations to the Graduate School concerning admission within 2-3 weeks of receipt of a completed application.  

Please note that if submitted applications are missing any required documents, this will prolong the review process.

Is this a STEM designated program?

Yes. More information can be found in the UMBC Professional Programs STEM Designation Guide.

What are the program’s English proficiency requirements?  What are the exceptions?

Requirements and exceptions are detailed on our How to Apply to the Health IT M.P.S.: International Applicant page.

Newly Admitted Students

When is Orientation? Is this online or on-campus?

Orientation sessions may be online or in-person.  Please check your email for updates about future Orientation sessions and when & where they will be held.

What courses should I enroll in during my first semester?

The following courses are recommended for incoming full-time students:

  • Course 1: HIT 658 (Online)
  • Course 2 [Choose One]: HIT 663 or HIT 664 (Hybrid)
  • Course 3: HIT 674 (Hybrid)

The following courses are recommended for incoming part-time students:

  • Course 1: HIT 658 (Online)
  • Course 2 [Choose One]: HIT 663 or HIT 664 (Online or Hybrid)

I would like to enroll in four (4) courses during my first semester. Is this an option?

All students are strongly encouraged to limit their course load to three (3) courses each semester. This is especially advised during the first semester.

Registration, Courses, and Calendars

Are your courses in-person or online?

Our program offers a variety of course options, including 100% online and hybrid classes. Please visit the UMBC graduate course catalog to view the schedule of classes currently offered. Refer to the graduate academic calendar for important registration dates.

What is a “hybrid” course?

Hybrid courses blend both in-person and online instruction. You can expect to attend both on-campus and virtually.

What are the academic terms in this program?

UMBC operates on a semester system (half-year). Our program runs during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Limited HIT courses may be offered during the Summer, but are not guaranteed.  We do not offer courses during the Winter term.

Please plan your schedule accordingly so that you are prepared to take the majority of classes during Spring and Fall.

What are the current program costs? (Tuition, fees, etc.)

This information can be found on our program costs page.

How many courses do I need to take to be full-time? Part-time?

Full-time status is 9 credits per term (typically 3 courses). Part-time status is 1-8 credits per term.

I want to take more than 4 classes in a single semester.  How do I get approval?

Students are strongly advised against taking more than three classes especially in their first semester. GPD and graduate school approval is required for enrolling in excess credits.

How long does it take to complete the program?

Full-time students (registered for 9 credits) typically complete the program in one to two years – or four semesters. Part-time students typically complete the program in three years. Students have five years to complete the program from the start of matriculation.

Students interested in completing the degree program more quickly may consider enrolling in approved Summer courses (when available).

What happens if I wait to register?  Can I still get into the classes I want?

Students are responsible for registering promptly and selecting courses that meet their needs.  It should be understood that delaying registration will most likely limit what courses are available, and therefore limit options.  

The Graduate Program may offer guidance in selecting suitable courses that can be applied to the student’s degree, based upon what is currently available.  It is, however, up to the individual student to choose among the available courses and complete the registration process.

Bottom-line: If you need a particular course, register as soon as possible.

I have not registered for courses the past two semesters, and now I cannot enroll in an upcoming class. What happened? What do I do?

If a student’s break in enrollment continues after two consecutive semesters (Fall or Spring semesters), the student’s enrollment status will change from active to discontinued. Course enrollment is NOT required for Summer or Winter terms. Students who wish to return to their program after being discontinued for exceeding two semesters of non-enrollment must complete the Returning Student Request Form, obtain the Graduate Program Director’s signature, and submit the signed form to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the desired term of re-enrollment. More information can be found by reading UMBC Graduate School’s Policy for Reinstatement.

What electives can apply towards earning my degree?

Electives that are approved and part of our program’s curriculum are listed on our course descriptions page under Electives. Other electives may also be considered, including pre-approved external electives, by viewing the External Courses Approved by Health IT spreadsheet. Please see “Can I take an elective that is outside of the HIT program?” to learn more about the request process.

Can I take an elective that is outside of the HIT program? How?

Yes, if approved by the GPD.  The process for requesting approval, and the criteria considered, are described in our External Elective Process.

A list of courses that have already been reviewed and approved are listed in our External Courses Approved by Health IT spreadsheet.
If an external elective meets the criteria and is not listed above, you may request GPD approval by filling out the Request for External Elective form.

Where can I reference upcoming deadlines such as registration, semester dates, and add/drop?

Important dates for the current semester are posted on our Schedule of Classes. A more detailed schedule for the university can be viewed on the Registrar’s Academic Calendars page.

A course I want to take is closed/full. What do I do?

Courses will close once they have reached maximum capacity and seats are no longer available.

Students who wish to be considered for placement in the event a seat becomes available at a later date should check to see if a waitlist is available. If yes, you may add yourself to the waitlist via your portal at myUMBC.

If the waitlist closes and a seat has still not become available, you will be able to register again in an upcoming term.

Please note: The Graduate Program will not be able to make exceptions for students to be placed in closed/full courses. Please do not contact the Graduate Program or the instructor to request placement.

Do I have to take Summer courses?

No; Summer courses are optional. Students do not have to enroll during this term to maintain full-time, continuous status.

A course I want to take is not available during the Summer. Why?

Spring and Fall are considered regular courses within our Graduate programs. The Summer session is an optional offering.

The availability of our courses are dependent on a variety of factors including, but not limited to: instructor availability, student interest, and whether the course content can be covered in a shortened 12-week session.

Academic Advising

Who is my academic advisor?

Health IT students are assigned to either Dr. Van Dyke (Graduate Program Director) or Dr. Karner (Assistant Graduate Program Director). You will receive an email at the beginning of the term verifying your academic advisor. This email will also include instructions on scheduling an advising appointment.

How do I schedule an appointment with my academic advisor?

You will receive an email at the beginning of each term (Fall/Spring) that states your academic advisor and includes instructions on scheduling an advising appointment.

Will I have the same academic advisor throughout my time in the program?

This is the intended model for advising in our program. Our goal is that you have a consistent advisor available to you from the day you enter the program and through graduation.

When should I contact my academic advisor?

  • For targeted academic advising, after speaking with OPP Student Success (e.g. choosing between electives)
  • General career-related questions (job and internship queries are best directed to the Career Center)
  • To request approval for Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
  • Concerns on academic performance or progression
  • Concerns about courses, instructors, or scheduling of courses
  • Post-graduation plans (certifications, doctoral programs, etc.)

Graduate Program Director (GPD)

When should I contact the GPD?

How should I contact our GPD?

Dr. Van Dyke can be reached at Most questions are best addressed via email to ensure a timely response, but if needed, Dr. Van Dyke will work with you to schedule a virtual meeting.

GPD Drop-in Hours will also be offered periodically during the academic terms (Fall/Spring). No appointment is needed. An email will be sent to all HIT students confirming hours.

When should I request a virtual meeting with our GPD?

To ensure a timely response, most advising questions are best addressed via email.

Meetings are best when questions or issues require some discussion or explanation that is best communicated in real-time.

When is a meeting with the GPD NOT needed? Who should I contact instead?

  • For academic advising (unless Dr. Van Dyke is your assigned advisor).  
  • For questions or issues with course registration, please email the OPP Student Success team at 
  • If seeking approval to enroll in a course listed on our program website (ENMG 652, IS 610, etc.), you do not need to obtain GPD approval. Follow the directions for enrollment on your portal at myUMBC. Email the Student Success team ( with any enrollment issues.
  • If requesting GPD approval to enroll in an elective that is NOT listed on our approved list of external electives, please fill out our Request for External Electives form.
  • If seeking an assistantship position within the program, please note that any future opportunities would be announced via UMBC email, if and when they are available. The program is not able to accept or save applications or inquiries outside of these openings.
  • Similarly, if seeking job opportunities or internships, please contact the UMBC Career Center.
  • If requesting documentation or information for International students, such as I-20s, please contact International Student & Scholar Services
  • If requesting CPT approval, please follow the instructions outlined in the CPT Approval Process.
  • If you are a student in one of Dr. Van Dyke’s courses and need to discuss a class-related issue, please message her via Blackboard.

Why are these meetings virtual?  What if I want to meet in-person?

Holding meetings virtually allows the GPD to consistently meet with more students overall, and removes many logistical barriers that can result in delayed or missed meetings (mild illness, transportation, scheduling conflicts, caretaking responsibilities).

Special in-person events to meet with the GPD will be held each term (Fall/Spring) and advertised via email to HIT students.

What is the cancellation/no-show policy for advising sessions?

While meeting virtually allows greater flexibility for scheduling, it is still greatly appreciated when students honor their commitments and attend scheduled meetings. If you will not be able to attend a scheduled meeting, please cancel your appointment within six (6) hours via Google calendar.

Students who do not cancel their appointment and do not show up to the meeting will be recorded as a “no-show.” After two (2) “no-shows”, that student will be unable to schedule a GPD meeting for the remainder of the term (Fall/Spring). Communication would still occur via email.

I sent an email to our GPD. How long will it take to get a response?

Please allow up to 2 business days (Monday – Friday) for a response.

Please note that an email sent after 5:00 pm EST is considered to have been received the next day. For example, an email sent on Tuesday evening (e.g 6:00 pm EST) will be counted among Wednesday’s emails.

I am waiting on an email response and it has been more than 2 days. What should I do?

  • Check to see if you received an out-of-office/auto-reply message. This may give direction on who to contact if the GPD is away, or may already answer your question.
  • If there is no out-of-office message, your question is not addressed in this FAQ,  AND you confirm it has been more than 2 business days (Monday – Friday), you may send a follow-up email.  Please do so by replying to your original email, rather than creating a new email.  Please understand that sending additional/separate emails on the same topic may lead to further delay.

I would like to ask the GPD to be a reference for my job search, scholarship application, etc. What should I do?

Students may email Dr. Van Dyke to request she serve as a reference. Please consider what you require and if she will be able to speak to these qualities if called upon.

I would like to request a letter of recommendation from the GPD. What should I do?

Students may request a letter of recommendation from Dr. Van Dyke by filling out the Request for Letter of Recommendation form. Please read through the instructions and confirm that there is enough time for a high-quality letter to be provided in time for the due date. Please note that due to the volume of requests and a commitment to providing high-quality letters of recommendation, Dr. Van Dyke may not be able to fulfill every request. Submitting this form does not guarantee a letter of recommendation. Please consider alternative recommenders as needed who can best speak to your strengths.

General Policies and Procedures

Can I take a leave of absence? How?

Leave of Absence is allowed. Students may take up to two semesters off (not counting Winter or Summer). Paperwork and approval from the Graduate School is not required. Students are encouraged to notify Dr. Van Dyke of planned breaks.

Can I transfer credits towards my degree?

UMBC’s Graduate School will allow a maximum of 6 graduate credits (two courses) of transfer credits.

Consent of the GPD is required and transfer credits are accepted only if there is equivalency and students meet the requirements of the policy.

After matriculation into the Graduate School, please send your transcripts and syllabi for the courses you wish to transfer (if available) to Dr. Van Dyke. If the request is approved, you will be asked to fill-out the Request for Transfer of Credit form.

Can I transfer credits towards my degree?

UMBC’s Graduate School will allow a maximum of 6 graduate credits (two courses) of transfer credits.

Consent of the GPD is required and transfer credits are accepted only if there is equivalency and students meet the requirements of the policy.

After matriculation into the Graduate School, please send your transcripts and syllabi for the courses you wish to transfer (if available) to Dr. Van Dyke. If the request is approved, you will be asked to fill-out the Request for Transfer of Credit form.


What are the requirements for graduating with an M.P.S. in this program?

  • Complete 6 Core courses and 4 Electives. 
  • Your GPA must be 3.0 or above.
  • Resolve any grades of “D”, “F”, or blank.
  • Resolve any grade of “I” and “NG” if applied to any course needed toward degree.
  • Review your degree and program information and verify that it is correct.
  • Remember to apply to graduate by university wide graduation application deadlines.

What courses must I complete to graduate? How many courses?

HIT students must complete ten (10) courses within the degree program – all six (6) Core courses and four (4) of the Electives. You may reference the courses on our website.

How do I apply for graduation? When can I apply?

Once you meet all requirements, you can apply to graduate online during your last semester. Visit the Graduate School’s Apply to Graduate page for more detailed instructions on how to apply online, requirements, and deadlines.

Where can I find information about current and future graduation ceremonies at UMBC?

Up-to-date information is available on the UMBC commencement webpage.

Funding and Employment

Does the program offer scholarships or financial aid?

No. We encourage students to contact UMBC’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to see what financing and university-provided scholarships are available.

Who do I contact with questions about billing? Or pay plans?

Please contact UMBC’s Student Business Services Office.

Does the program offer assistantships? (GA/RA/TA, etc.)

The program typically offers a few grader positions each term (Fall/Spring).  If you are interested in applying to be a grader in the Health Information Technology program, please complete and submit an online application to be a grader.  The application will request your current resume/CV.

The completed application will be added to our program’s repository.  When a grader position is available, the program will look at the resume repository to identify appropriate candidates.  We will also seek recommendations from the instructor of the course. This is the only method for applying to positions.

As we are a professional program, we do not offer RA positions.

I sent an email to the program requesting an assistantship and haven’t heard back.  Will I be considered for a position?  Will my resume be saved?

Due to the high volume of inquiries received for positions, our program is unable to respond to individual requests for assistantships, or updates on current or future positions.  Likewise, we are unable to save and maintain resumes/CVs sent to us via email, in-person, by post, etc. 
Resumes/CVs may be submitted to the program by completing and submitting an online application to be a grader.  This is the only method for applying to positions.

Can the program place me in an internship or job?

No.  Our students are encouraged to build a relationship with UMBC’s Career Center to learn more about opportunities, as well as take advantage of career preparation opportunities such as workshops and mock interviews.

International Students

I am an International student. Who do I contact with questions about forms and requirements? (I-20 form, F-1 Visa process, etc.)

Information may be found on the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) website.
If you need further assistance, you may contact ISSS via Live Chat or schedule an ISSS Advising appointment

I am an International student. Who do I contact with questions about forms and requirements? (I-20 form, F-1 Visa process, etc.)

Information may be found on the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) website.
If you need further assistance, you may contact ISSS via Live Chat or schedule an ISSS Advising appointment

Are there any registration requirements for international students?

Yes. All international students are required to maintain full-time enrollment status (9 credit hours, or 3 courses).

Additionally, International students may only be enrolled in one (1) online course each semester (Fall/Spring). The other two (2) courses must be hybrid or in-person course during their first semester.  
Please direct any questions about these requirements to International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS). you may contact ISSS via Live Chat or schedule an ISSS Advising appointment

OPT / CPT (Optional Practical Training / Curricular Practical Training)

How and when do I apply for CPT?

The Office of International Students and Scholars provides information on CPT: Off Campus Work Authorization on their website.

Do I need GPD approval for CPT?

Yes, GPD and Academic Advisor approval is needed when applying for CPT. Review the CPT Approval Process document and visit the Office of International Students and Scholars CPT: Off Campus Work Authorization page for more information.

How and when do I apply for OPT?

OPT requires an application be prepared and sent to USCIS for review. The application can take up to (and even beyond) 3 months to process!  The ISSS office works with students individually to prepare the OPT application, which requires a new I-20 specifically for OPT. Please visit the ISSS OPT: Post-Graduation Work Authorization webpage for more information.

Do I need GPD approval for OPT?

Yes, GPD approval is required to apply for OPT. You are strongly advised to work closely with UMBC’s International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) who have the most up-to-date information on USCIS policies and requirements. Please visit the ISSS OPT: Post-Graduation Work Authorization webpage for more information.


What general resources are available to me at UMBC?

Please review our listing of campus resources.  This includes links to common resources such as parking, library services, dining options, and public transportation.

Who can I contact for Accessibility and Disability Accommodations?

I am a Veteran. Who can I contact for questions about Veteran’s benefits, support, and general assistance?

Please go to UMBC Veteran Services for relevant information.

I am struggling with my course work – specifically written assignments. Where can I go for help?

The UMBC Writing Center offers free appointments for tutoring and editing. Graduate students may also request an appointment with a Writing Advisor for one-on-one assistance.

Most importantly, talk to your course instructor. They are there to help and can provide guidance tailored to allow you to succeed in the course.

I am unsure of how to cite my sources in assignments. Where can I go for help?

The UMBC Library offers a guide on how to Cite and Manage Sources. You may also request an appointment with a Writing Advisor for one-on-one assistance.

Academic Integrity

Am I allowed to use paraphrasing tools (Quillbot, etc.) in my courses?

No, paraphrasing tools are in violation of UMBC’s Code of Academic Integrity since you are submitting your original work.  Learn more on UMBC’s Academic Integrity Resources for Students.

Am I allowed to reuse pieces of my own work for other assignments?

No, copying yourself is not any different from copying from another person. Self-plagiarism is considered a form of plagiarism. Learn more by visiting UMBC’s Academic Integrity Resources for Students.

I didn’t cite my sources in my assignment, but I did the work. Isn’t that enough?

You are presenting other people’s work without credit when you do not cite your sources. This is plagiarism which violates UMBC’s Code of Academic Integrity. Learn more by visiting UMBC’s Academic Integrity Resources for Students.