Software Engineering Graduate Certificate

The Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Software Engineering is a four-course program designed for professionals who desire to enhance their understanding of the latest software engineering methodologies, techniques, tools, and processes.

This program can be completed in one year, and provides an overview of the design, development, and testing of software products with a capstone course in Software Engineering. Additionally, credits completed through this program can be applied toward the M.P.S. in Software Engineering.

Software Engineering Graduate Certificate Required Courses

Advanced study of structure systems development. Emphasis on strategies and techniques of structured analysis and structured design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in developing information systems.

Modern approaches to software development: requirements analysis, system design techniques, formal description techniques, implementation, testing, debugging, metrics, human factors, quality assurance, cost estimation, maintenance and tools.

Prerequisite: CMSC 445 or consent of instructor.

This course will take students through a comprehensive software development process using current technologies and tools used in the industry. The team project will expect students to apply and integrate knowledge and skills learned in prior courses within the context of practical issues faced in the industry.

This course will examine the fundamentals of software testing by looking at the main phases in the software testing process, and the different types of software testing methods that are available. Problems that arise from testing different types of software, such as object-oriented, distributed, Graphical User Interfaces, cloud and web software will be discussed, and the relevant program analysis techniques will be studied. Topics include, but are not limited to, a general overview of the software testing process, approaches to automatic test case generation, test oracles, coverage analysis to decide when to stop testing, test prioritization, mutation testing, regression testing, and automated software testing tools.

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