Learning and Performance Technology FAQs

Prospective Students FAQs


In June 2020 the Instructional Systems Development program changed its name to Learning and Performance Technology. See the announcement here!

How many credits do I need to complete for the Master’s degree?

Starting fall 2022, the Learning and Performance Technology Master’s Program transitioned to a 30-credit program rather than a 36-credit program. Students admitted for the fall 2022 semester or later should use the 30-credit advising form. Students admitted prior to fall 2022 are still required to complete 36-credits and should use the 36-credit advising form.

How is this program different from other programs in training and instructional design?

The Learning and Performance Technology program (previously known as Instructional Systems Development) offers a variety of flexible options in course topics. Students can choose from electives where they can tailor their program of study to fit their own needs. Electives coursework can be chosen from areas such as performance improvement, online learning, instructional technology, project management, performance improvement training, and more. Coursework usually includes hands-on projects that help students reach their professional goals. Students develop a portfolio of work samples that can be used to get a job or promotion.

When are classes scheduled?

Most classes meet asynchronously. A few courses have some synchronous meetings. All our courses are scheduled Monday-Thursday from 6 or 7:10 – 9:40 pm.  Unfortunately, there are no daytime or weekend courses.   

Can I complete the entire Master’s program and Certificate programs online?

Yes, all Learning and Performance Technology courses are online. And all the Programs: Masters in Learning and Performance Technology, then Instructional Technology, Instructional Systems Development, and the eLearning certificates are completed online.

What kind of computer and technical skills do I need for the program?

We expect students to have a working knowledge of: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint); how to navigate the Internet; how to use e-mail; how to send files using e-mail or the Internet; how to upload and download files from the Internet or in an e-mail. Online courses utilize Blackboard, UMBC’s online learning management system.

Admissions for the Master’s Degree

What document do I need to submit to apply for admission to the Master’s degree program?

Students applying for the Master’s degree must submit the following materials:

* Completed application for admission
* Completed residency forms
* Three recommendations
* Graduate School Statement of Goals
* Official transcripts from undergraduate institution(s)
* Non-refundable $50 application fee (online applications)

My Grade Point Average (GPA) isn’t as high as I’d like it to be.  Is it still possible to be admitted to the program?

It is possible to take courses as a non-degree or as a certificate student and establish an academic track record. This will demonstrate that you have the ability to complete work at a graduate level. Students can then apply for admission to the Master’s degree program and have a much better chance of being accepted.

Are any standardized tests such as the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) required for admission?

Not for applicants with a Bachelor’s degree from a U.S. institution.

What undergraduate major must I have to apply for admission?

No specific undergraduate major is required for admission. We have students who have successfully completed our program with undergraduate degrees that range from Accounting to Zoology.

Is an admission interview required?

No, an interview is not required, but prospective students who may have questions concerning the program can request an interview. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your career plans and see how the program can help you reach your goals. Contact Dr. Gregory Williams, the program director at gregw@umbc.edu.

Can I start in the Certificate program and then continue toward the Master’s program?

Yes. If you are unsure about pursuing the Master’s degree, you can start by taking courses for the certificate program. After the certificate program is completed, students can apply these courses toward the Master’s degree program. All the certificate program courses count toward the Master’s degree.

Are there deadlines for admission applications?   

Applications are accepted for the fall and spring semesters. You cannot start the program in the summer session

Fall Application Deadline: August 1st
Spring Application Deadline: December 1st

Applications that are received at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the semester receive priority. Applications received in this timeframe normally are processed in time for the start of the semester, but there are no guarantees.

Admissions for the Certificate Program

What document do I need to submit to apply for admission to the Certificate program?

Students applying for the Post-Baccalaureate certificate must submit the following materials:

* Completed application for admission
* Completed residency forms
* Unofficial or official transcripts from undergraduate institution (copies issued to student OK)
* Non-refundable $50 application fee (online applications)

Can I start in the certificate program and then continue toward the Master’s program?

Yes. If you are unsure about pursuing the Master’s degree, you can start by taking courses for the certificate program. After the certificate program is completed, students can apply these courses toward the Master’s degree program. All the certificate program courses count toward the Master’s degree.

Are there deadlines for admission applications?

Applications are accepted for the fall and spring semesters. 

Fall Application Deadline: August 1st
Spring Application Deadline: December 1st

Financial Information

Do online students have to pay all the same fees as students taking classes on-campus?

No. Students taking online courses are only required to pay tuition and the technology and graduate program fees.

I am a Veteran. Who would I contact about processing VA benefits?

Please visit the link for UMBC Veteran Services at https://veterans.umbc.edu/.

Are payment plans available?

Monthly payment plans are also available. Check the Student Business Services website at https://sbs.umbc.edu/payment-plan/ for more details.

Online Learning

What are the major components of an online course?

UMBC’s online courses are administered through a campus management system called Blackboard. It is accessed through the student e-mail account you receive when you first become a student at UMBC. The course is structured around a detailed syllabus that provides students with an assignment schedule and other information they will need to complete the course. Most communication within the course takes place on the Discussion Board, an area on your course website where you participate in class discussions and submit assignments. Helpful information on Blackboard may be found on the UMBC Wiki.

What is the difference between an asynchronous and synchronous online course?

An asynchronous online course is an eLearning class that does not require students and instructors to be online at the same time. A synchronous online course is an eLearning class that requires students and instructors to be online at the same time. Students can log-in from a PC at any location, as long as it has an internet connection. Please consult the schedule of classes for which method of online delivery and times.

I’m not sure online education is for me. Can I complete the Master’s program on-campus?

No. The Learning and Performance Technology programs are only offered online.

Is the Master’s Degree completed online accredited?

Yes, UMBC is accredited by the Middle States Association. A Master’s Degree completed online has the same level of accreditation as our traditional on-campus degree.

Do I ever have to come to campus?

Our online courses do not require you to come to campus.

How many hours do online courses require each week?

Online courses generally require 6-12 hours per week including readings, Internet research, weekly discussions, sending/receiving e-mail, and completing assignments.

Are online courses self-paced?

Our courses are instructor-led, with term start and end dates and due dates for assignments. That being said, most course material is available from the beginning of the semester, and students may read ahead or prepare for future assignments as they choose.

Do online courses cost more?

Tuition is the same whether you are an online student or an on-campus student. However, online classes do not required a student to pay certain fees (e.g. parking) that apply only to campus activities. See program costs.

How do I proceed through a UMBC online course?

Once you are accepted to the program, you will receive a UMBC e-mail account. Near the beginning of the semester, most instructors send their students a “Welcome” e-mail message, notifying them that the course has been activated on Blackboard. You can then go to Blackboard, select your course and read the syllabus thoroughly. From that point, you log on regularly (several times a week) to check announcements from the instructor, post to the Discussion Board, respond to feedback from your classmates and the instructor, and submit assignments. It is recommended to schedule time to study and complete class assignments.

You can communicate with your instructor through the discussion board, e-mail or by phone. Some instructors also have online office hours.

Also, most assignments are turned in by posting them to the “Discussion Board” or by emailing them to the instructor. In many classes, assignments are always due the same day and time every week (example: Wednesday by 11:59 p.m.).

Are Online Classes Easier than Face-to-Face?

No. Online classes take as much or more time as a class you might take on campus. Online courses are never out of session. Students are expected to log on and contribute to discussion several times a week. That also means reading messages every week from the instructor and other students.

There are no conclusive studies comparing the two methods, but initial studies indicate that online students perform as well or better than their in-class counterparts.

Early single-institution studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that online learning at least holds its own with the face-to-face classroom. For some, in fact, online learning may result in better comprehension.

Current Students FAQs

Important Dates

How can I find out when the semester starts and ends, when graduation is held, deadlines, and other important dates?

Check the UMBC Academic Calendar.


When can I register for classes and when is the registration deadline?

It is advisable to register as soon as possible to get the course(s) you want. New students must be admitted before they can register. Please check the Registar’s website.

How do I register for classes?

All LAPT students must first complete the advising process for authorization to register. Then register for classes online through myUMBC. Please check the Registrar’s website for details.

I am a student in the Master’s/certificate program. I do not plan to take any courses in the upcoming semester. What do I need to do?

Please visit the Graduate School website for details. You should notify the Professional Programs Student Success Team at opp-studentsuccess@umbc.edu if you plan to not enroll. All students should contact Professional Programs Student Success prior to the semester they plan to return in order to follow the proper administrative steps with the Graduate School.

Do I have to complete the Academic Integrity Tutorial?

The Graduate School requires ALL graduate students who have been admitted to a program (Certificate or Master’s) to complete the Academic Integrity Tutorial found on the UMBC Blackboard Site. Failure to complete the tutorial and pass the test will result in your registration being blocked for future terms. Information and instructions for completing the tutorial can be found here.

I’m having problems registering, what do I do?

Occasionally you may experience problems with registration. If you receive the “not authorized” message, please check your authorization e-mail to ensure you are trying to enroll in the correct section. You may get a message that states you are “academically ineligible,” or “not admitted to University” and other error messages. Please contact Professional Programs Student Success at opp-studentsuccess@umbc.edu for assistance if you have any questions.


How many credits do I need to complete for the Master’s degree?

Starting Fall 2022, the Learning and Performance Technology Master’s Program transitioned to a 30-credit program rather than a 36-credit program. Students admitted for the Fall 2022 semester or later should use the 30-credit advising form. Students admitted Fall 2022 or later are still required to complete 36-credits and should use the 36-credit advising form.

Who is my advisor?

The faculty advisor is Dr. Greg Williams. He can be reached at gregw@umbc.edu. The Academic Planning Form as well as other information can be found on the Advising page.

How do I know what courses to take each semester for the certificate program?

Each certificate program requires four courses and no electives. Students should take the courses listed on the LAPT Graduate Certificates information page. Additional information can be found on the Advising page.

How do I know what courses to take each semester for the LAPT Master’s program?

The Master’s program has 7 required courses and 5 electives courses. A variety of factors should be considered when choosing electives, such as the student’s career goals and professional interests. Students should consult with Dr. Williams concerning their choice of electives. A listing of the required and electives courses can be found on the LAPT Master’s Program page.

When are the required courses offered?

Courses are offered in the Fall, Spring and Summer. Check the LAPT program Course Schedule on the LAPT program website for mode of delivery each semester.

Does the program accept transfer credits? What is process and criteria for transferring credit?

Yes, a maximum of 6 credits (2 courses) may be transferred into UMBC from other schools, for the Masters program. Transfer courses may only be considered for an LAPT elective. The course must be at the graduate level, must have been taken less than five years ago, and may not have been used to earn another degree. Additional criteria and the process to transfer credits can be found on the Graduate School website.

All 12 credit hours (4 courses) taken for an LAPT certificate must be taken at UMBC. These LAPT UMBC graduate certificates courses may be applied towards the Master’s degree.

View the LAPT Program Polices.

How can I get a copy of the course syllabus?

Faculty members usually make their course syllabus available to students on the first day of class.

I see that the Master’s program has a required internship.  How does that work?

This Master’s program emphasizes applied learning. It is important for students to be able to apply what they have learned in a professional setting. Given that, the internship can be completed in two ways. The first is for the student to complete a traditional internship where they report to and work at the sponsoring organization’s workplace. The second way to complete the internship is to choose an internship project that can be completed using more of an independent consulting approach. Using this approach, students would meet with clients to map out the goals and specific deliverables for the internship. Students may have periodic meetings with the client organization, but would not be required to perform the work on-site. Students will be required to draft an internship proposal which describes what they will do, the project deliverables and method of evaluation. The internship proposal is subject to approval by the client organization and Dr. Williams.

I am a full-time employee.  How can I complete the internship without quitting my job or taking leave?

As described above, students can complete the internship by choosing a project that can be completed using an independent consulting approach. Using this approach, students meet with the client to map out the goals and specific deliverables of the internship. A student may have periodic meetings with the client organization, but are not required to perform the work on-site. 

What’s the difference between the Internship (LAPT 792T) and the Final Project Seminar (LAPT 794)?

The Capstone Experience course (LAPT 794) is a capstone course where students complete a comprehensive project that ties together things that they have learned throughout the program. The internship course (LAPT 792T) is an opportunity for students to gain either initial or additional experience with a live client organization. This is done by completing a project that will be delivered to the client at the end of the course. The project or assignment(s) for the internship do not have to be as comprehensive in scope as the Final Project Seminar course. For further details, check the syllabus for each course. 

Graduation Requirements

How many credits are required for graduation?

If you were admitted to the ISD M.A. or LAPT M.A. prior to fall 2022, you must complete 36-credits for graduation. If you were admitted to the LAPT M.A. for the fall 2022 semester or later, you must complete 30-credits for graduation.

What is the portfolio?

The professional portfolio is a graduation requirement, for those admitted to the Master’s degree beginning with the fall 2012 semester, that is in addition to completing your coursework. It is to provide students an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in their coursework and the program. Please view the Graduation Information page for additional information on the portfolio.

I am finishing all my coursework soon.  What do I need to do to apply for graduation?

Please check the Graduate School website for details on paperwork to be completed and the deadlines for each semester. In addition to the Graduate School deadlines, the portfolio must be completed in the semester you take your final coursework. View the Graduation Information page for additional information.


How do I get a UMBC e-mail account? Do I need one to register?

Students are required to establish a UMBC e-mail address in order to register.  You will need your campus ID and date of birth to create an account.  Go to: https://webadmin.umbc.edu/admin.

How does the LAPT Program communicate with the students?

The LAPT Current Students google group mailing list is the primary method of communication with students. It is an e-mail distribution list where important information for current students is regularly distributed. Student’s UMBC e-mail address will be added to the current students list at the start of the semester.  Besides receiving important information about the LAPT program, students also receive pertinent information regarding the semester, events and special meetings. If you have another e-mail account that you use frequently, your UMBC e-mail can forwarded to the mail account of your choice.  Visit the Personal Profile section of myUMBC and click on “mail forwarding address.”

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard is the learning platform that UMBC uses for online and hybrid (combination face-to-face and online).  To log in, visit https://blackboard.umbc.edu/. To learn more, view the Blackboard help section.

Important Contacts

Who should I contact with more questions?

LAPT Training Systems Program
Dr. Greg Williams, Graduate Program Director
Professional Programs Student Success, Current Student Service and Assistance
Professional Programs Admissions, Application Assistance
For questions relating to domestic Master applicants: Kathie Nee
For questions relating to international applicants: Scott Phillips
For questions relating to Certificate and Non-Degree applicants:Teresa Michel

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