Post-Master’s Certificate in College Teaching and Learning Science

The College Teaching and Learning Science curriculum consists of 5 courses (15 credits) focused on preparing graduates to teach in a community college or four-year college setting. The program is offered fully online. Graduates will complete a practicum and teaching portfolio to demonstrate real-world expertise.

Quality Matters


For the first course in the College Teaching and Learning Science certificate, UMBC is partnering with Quality Matters, a leader in best practices in quality assurance for online courses. As part of the course, students will, at no cost, participate in a dedicated session of Quality Matter’s flagship workshop, Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR), learning the core principles of the QM Rubric and course review process.

Upon completion of the workshop and first course, students will receive a digital credential and certificate of completion.


PSYC 501:  Applied Learning Science (3 credits)

This course will provide an emphasis on the understanding and application of learning research and the cognitive-psychological, social-psychological, and cultural-psychological foundations of human learning.  Students will examine the needs of college learners and design successful learning plans and learning environments that respond to the changing patterns of college learners.

PSYC 502:  Best Practices in College Teaching (3 credits)

This course will examine that art of culturally responsive teaching and the use of varied pedagogical strategies, best practices, and implementation of these practices in the classroom.  Students will explore the components involved in engaging diverse college learners, managing behaviors, reaching students with motivation strategies, ensuring adherence to policies, and designing courses using innovative technological practices including AI and other educational software.

PSYC 503:  Assessing College-Level Learning (3 credits)

This course will explore culturally responsive teaching as it applies to the evaluation and assessment of college learning. Emphasis will be placed on multimethod approaches to capture learning both qualitatively and quantitatively. The application of the scholarship of teaching and learning will be emphasized and student learning outcome assessment will be highlighted as they inform quality curriculum and curriculum mapping practices. 

PSYC 504A: College Teaching Practicum (3 credits)

Students will be in teaching placements in their geographical area. Concomitant course PSYC 504B will provide support and instruction online.  Practicum activities will involve observation and critique of instruction in higher education settings. This course will require the demonstration of culturally responsive teaching in higher education and applied integration of learning science, best practices in teaching and learning measurement, professional collaboration, and self-reflective assessment. A professional teaching portfolio will be designed throughout the semester. This capstone course requires integration and synthesis of PSYC 501, 502, and 503 and active enrollment in PSYC 504B. 

PSYC 504B:  College Teaching Seminar (3 credits)

This course is interrelated to PSYC 504A, which is a 3 credit practicum in a college classroom.  This course will require the demonstration of culturally responsive teaching in higher education and applied integration of learning science, best practices in teaching and learning measurement, professional collaboration, and self-reflective assessment. This seminar supports the practicum and provides professional development and observational critique to teaching sessions. A professional teaching portfolio will be designed throughout the semester.  This capstone course requires integration and synthesis of PSYC 501, 502, and 503 content and active enrollment in PSYC 504A. 

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