Community Leadership Courses

Course Descriptions

Note: Not all courses are offered every semester, and new courses may be added at any time. Check the schedule of classes, for the latest offerings.

Required Core Courses (18 credits)

This Methods for Community Leadership course is the foundational methodology course for the Certificate and MPS in Community Leadership. In its most general sense, a method is simply a defined way of doing something (i.e., methods). In academic studies and scholarship, methods can also refer to highly specialized approaches to disciplinary research (i.e, Methods). This course will embrace the diversity (and tension) between methods and Methods with the goal of introducing students to a range of tools that are useful for community collaborations that seek to address community-identified questions. CLDR embraces a range of worldviews and ways of knowing and the methods you will learn in this course support the diverse goals of what your community collaborations the methods aim to accomplish not just academic knowledge discovery, but collaborative knowledge construction, and action-oriented applied knowledges for intended community purposes. We intend to extend the tools we will explore together beyond the traditional academic frameworks and into real-world application with real-world impacts. While students will not become “experts” in any single methodological approach, our pragmatic goal is for students to learn and practice diverse methods collaboratively and to leave the course with an applied experience using a range of methods tools to approach complex community-identified questions, and having begun to develop and articulate their own methods toolbox for community leadership.

This Introduction to Community Leadership course is the foundational class for the Certificate and MPS in Community Leadership, grounding students in key concepts, skills, and experiences that they will continue to build upon throughout their graduate program and professional development. Students learn the theory and practice of establishing an inclusive learning community with attention to developing leadership skills of self-reflection, deep listening, and facilitation.

Thematic course units investigate core program elements including: (1) Social contexts of community leadership with special attention to urban settings, historical and structural inequity, and asset-based development. (2) Models and metaphors for community leadership, including attention to diverse theoretical and practice-based approaches to leadership with opportunities to explore leaders’ identities and personal strengths. (3) The central role of diverse media platforms and approaches to communication that underpin effective community leadership practice.

In addition to class readings, written reflections, and discussions, students will participate in community experiences to complement their classroom learning. Students will develop a relationship with a community leader and corresponding partner organization. Through regular semi-structured conversations, they’ll have the opportunity to learn and discuss core elements of community leadership. Students will work with community partners to collaboratively design a project that will contribute directly to a need in their partner organization. At the end of this first foundational course for the MPS, students will also create a template for their overall MPS digital portfolio, designing a compelling media platform for planning and demonstrating their best learning and development as they move forward. 

Community-oriented organizations and their leaders have a myriad of responsibilities that involve ethical challenges and legal requirements. This course focuses on the ethical and legal issues faced by organizational leaders and how they make decisions that affect their organizations and the citizens they serve. We discuss race, inclusion, equity and justice as essential dimensions of the ethical and legal decisions that organizational leaders make.

This interdisciplinary capstone course provides participants with a culminating experience in the theory and practice of collaborative leadership, community-centered social capital development, and culturally-inclusive problem solving. The course immerses students in the theories, knowledge, skills, and affective competencies related to building community assets. A key focus of the course is strengthening students’ capacities to assess and address community problems. The course builds on students’ prior courses in the Community Leadership curriculum to provide a field-level application of their diverse leadership tool kits. 

In addition to class readings, written reflections, group discussions, conversations with guest speakers, and visits to different neighborhoods in Baltimore City, students participate in a collaborative community-based research project. Students work in conjunction with a local community partner organization and an instructor to: (1) explore key issues facing a specific community and organization, and identify a particular topic to focus on;  (2) develop and deliver a research-based intellectual product that enhances the student’s professional development as well as the capacities of the community and partner organization. This is a 6-credit course.

One-credit skills courses with multiple topics available. Community Leadership M.P.S. candidates are required to take three CLDR 610 skills courses. They also have the option of taking up to three additional CLDR 610 skills courses as the equivalent of one elective course. See available skills courses.

Certain non-credit articulated courses offered by UMBC’s Institute for Extended Learning (IXL) may be transferred for credit. Contact the Program Coordinator for more information. 

Other Electives

Emergent strategy is about shifting the way we see each other and the world around us; it invites us to understand ourselves and our circles of influence as the practice ground for transforming the world. Prompted by a diverse body of material and activities, this course will be highly reflective, dialogic, and practice-based. This course offers students theories and experiences of change which challenges the status quo. In this course, we will ask and explore together: How might we cultivate and apply strategies of emergence to our lives, professional spaces, and communities? How might we creatively approach our work and lives as designers and co-creators? What shifts when we understand ourselves as part of social ecologies? How does embracing equity and self-directed learning create possibilities for transformative change? In this course, we will explore these questions at the intersections of social, environmental, economic, and technological justice.

If there are topics in Community Leaders that are not taught in a regularly scheduled course, students can arrange independent study courses with individual faculty members. Most independent study courses consist of one student and one faculty member, but more than one student may participate in an independent study course. For the independent study course to proceed, the student(s) and faculty member must receive permission from the Community Leadership Graduate Program Director. Prerequisite: CLDR 601 with a grade of ‘C’ or better.

Other electives may be considered upon approval of the Graduate Program Director. Many students choose to pursue coursework in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Leadership, Applied Sociology, and Public Policy.

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