In the field of Biotechnology, the focus on cell & gene therapy continues to advance our potential to improve lives.
UMBC’s Biotechnology Graduate Programs offers special topic courses that help their students achieve success in the field. One such course is BTEC 691, Cell and Gene Therapy. In this episode of UMBC’s Mic’d Up Podcast, we chat with graduate faculty, Darren Dasburg, M.B.A. about this course. Furthermore, we explore the field of Biotechnology in general, and the amazing discoveries in cell and gene therapy.
Biotechnology is Constantly Changing
In our conversation, we chatted about the dynamic field. Firstly, how does one navigate it? Secondly, what therapies are the biotech companies of today going after?
Thirdly, Dasburg pointed out that job-seeking students will need to learn how to pick the winners from the losers. Who are the winners? Who are the losers? New professionals to the industry have to figure out who are the strongest machines out there. Essentially, which ones have the brightest minds? What technologies are going to work?
Cell and Gene Therapy
UMBC’s Cell and Gene Therapy course will explore a variety of ailments that biotech companies are addressing. These ailments include things like, sickle cell anemia, Alzheimer’s, and AIDS. Additionally, the course will discuss the elements that go into making new therapies to address these types of ailments. For example, how do you make these drugs? How do you take a drug like this out of research, bring it into tech ops, and get it into a commercial setting?
“There are so many things for students to learn and I really enjoy sharing this knowledge with them,” Darren Dasburg, M.B.A., graduate faculty, UMBC Graduate Programs in Biotechnology

About UMBC’s Cell and Gene Therapy Course
This course builds on general interest in the cutting-edge realms of pharma, specifically cell and gene therapies. Students will explore the new age of digital medicines, personalized medicines, single treatment (one and done) therapies and the requirements put upon the innovators and manufacturers of these products. served as Vice President of Corporate Engineering with GlaxoSmithKline. Dasburg holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University and a MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and advanced certificates in biotechnology from MIT. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in North Carolina and has worked on the ISPE Bio Mfg Conference since its inception.
This course is not limited to UMBC students and is open to the general public. This course is offered in our Live Online Synchronous format. All lectures will be recorded to accommodate international students and professionals with challenging schedules.