Biotechnology: A Rapidly Growing Field

Career Outlook

Explore labor market trends and opportunities in STEM, leadership, and education.

Biotechnology is a rapidly growing field, especially in the state of Maryland.

In fact, according to Mark Schenerman, Ph.D., Graduate Program Director, UMBC Biotechnology Graduate program, “Maryland is one of the leading centers in the country for cell and gene therapy. Companies in Maryland are trying to hire people as quickly as they can. They just can’t find enough talent. They can’t find enough trained people who are knowledgeable in the skills that they need. And that’s what our program tries to give to our students, those skills that those companies really want.”

Careers in the Biotechnology Field

Recent graduates in the Master’s of Professional Studies Biotechnology Program can fit into a number of different career paths in industry. For example, helping to work on process development for cell culture process, process development for purification process, for formulation development, analytical development, quality control, quality assurance, project manager, and Regulatory Affairs. These are all very important areas that are growing very rapidly in the state of Maryland. There’s lots of opportunity.

Biotechnology is Purposeful Work

“It’s a very satisfying career to be in, knowing that you could be working on a drug that can make a tremendous difference to a large number of people, to millions of people.” Mark Schenerman, Ph.D.

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About UMBC’s M.P.S. in Biotechnology

UMBC’s Biotechnology master’s degree is designed to provide students with the skills sought by the biotechnology industry. The curriculum offers advanced instruction in the life sciences, along with coursework in regulatory affairs, leadership, management, commercialization and legal issues inherent to a life science-oriented business.

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