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Campus News

News from around UMBC, both recent and historic

Here’s a recap of what’s in the news in and around the UMBC campus, originally brought to you by UMBC News.

This news recap is brought to you by UMBC’s Division of Professional Studies, offering a broad array of professionally-focused master’s degree and certificate programs that address industry needs while anticipating future opportunities.

UMBC Ranks 3rd in the U.S. for Social and Economic Impact

Times Higher Education ranks UMBC as third in the nation for the differences we make in the world. This wasn’t surprising, considering these are part of the institution’s values.

Retriever Courage Works to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Assault

Retriever Courage, an organization formed in Fall 2018 to create a safer campus, hosted Take Back the Night and distributed new campus cards with resources for sexual assault survivors.

URCAD 2019 Highlights Diversity within the UMBC Community

This year’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) focused on diverse research areas, including Baltimore-based, LGBTQ+, and international topics.

Positive Response to New Logo Launch

UMBC launched its new logo in early April, which has been received well by the students and staff. The new logo focuses on re-branding the institution with imagery and language that promotes its core ideas and values.

UMBC Mock Trial Places 8th in AMTA National Championship

Out of over 750 teams across the country, UMBC’s Mock Trial places among the top 10.

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