Exploring Innovative Teaching for Enhanced Learning

Learn about innovative teaching methods in college classrooms with an interview with Jenny McFadden, Ed.D. She studied College Teaching and Learning Science at UMBC after getting her Ed.D.

Teaching college offers a remarkable opportunity to make a difference in the lives of learners. Wondering how you can get started? This conversation with out recent guest will give you plenty of answers. Jenny shares her journey on how she got started. She explained that instruction takes innovation.

Cookie cutter approaches will only get you so far. To make impact, you must respect tried and true curriculum structure while also thinking outside the box. Learners come to you for guidance, making it a great responsibility, and am equally great joy.

An Educational Journey

Jenny embarked on her post-master’s certificate journey out of a strong desire for professional growth. Without growth, what are we but stagnant. So, she dedicated her efforts to inspiring students to solve real-life problems. Your learners are going to face multiple challenges throughout life. As a teacher, you can help them face those challenges with solutions.

She explained how she’s motivated to engage her students in the learning process. The real magic of teaching happens in that sweet spot.

Innovative Teaching in Action

Jenny teaches at a community college. She offers support to those needing additional guidance in English development. Her focus is student-centered and always innovative. “I aim to enhance engagement and cater to the diverse needs of students.”

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UMBC’s College Teaching and Learning Science Program Emphasizing

Jenny enjoyed the Quality Matters (QM) component of the College Teaching and Learning Science (CTLS) program at UMBC. QM provides a framework and standards for ensuring high-quality online and blended learning courses. So this emphasis aligned with her college’s goal to standardize online and hybrid courses. If your goal is to teach online, the focus on QM can provide practical insights to help you navigate the challenges of online teaching.

Challenges and Opportunities Fostering Empathy in Teaching

Balancing work, school, and personal life is always a challenge for working professionals. The struggle is real! Learning how to balance the tightrope of these demands is a true life lesson. Through the grad school experience, Jenny gained empathy for her students facing similar challenges.

Students will sometimes need wiggle room to complete assignments. Life happens. Kids get sick. Parents need care. Cars break down. Work calls and demands immediate attention. Learning to steer the vessel of learning around these obstacles allows students the room to succeed.

Key Takeaways Focus on Student-Centered Learning

Students learn differently. What inspires one, may not resonate with another. Jenny’s most significant takeaway from the CTLS program is the emphasis on student-centered learning.

She learned how to advocate for personalized teaching methods, authentic assessments, and meeting the needs of diverse students. “If the goal is to create impactful learning experiences, then student-centered learning is a must.”

UMBC’s College Teaching and Learning Science Program

UMBC’s program has an adaptable structure. This structure enables students to pursue independent study. Its emphasis on Quality Matters and online learning ensures graduates have practical skills for the changing education field. For teachers seeking a flexible and comprehensive approach aligned with their values, UMBC’s CTLS program is an ideal choice.

In Conclusion

We hope Jenny’ McFadden’s’s teaching journey inspires you to grow and make a difference in your career. UMBC’s College Teaching and Learning Science program provides guidance in the field of teaching and learning science. Remember that investing in new teaching methods is an investment in the future of education.

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1 Comment

  1. suhani kishnani says:

    Jenny’s journey through innovative teaching beautifully highlights the transformative power of student-centered learning. Her commitment to understanding and supporting diverse student needs, coupled with practical insights from UMBC’s program, exemplifies the empathy and dedication needed in today’s educational landscape. Prospective students can draw inspiration from Jenny’s experiences, knowing they too can make a meaningful impact through personalized teaching methods and a focus on real-life problem-solving.

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