A Program Designed for Instructional Designers | [PODCAST]

Career Outlook

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The Learning and Performance Technology Graduate Program (LAPT) at UMBC is specifically designed to help Instructional Designers learn and grow. The program is portfolio-based. This feature allows students to build a tangible working portfolio that becomes their intellectual property.

From the very first course, the LAPT student engages with the field of ISD by designing their first design plan, the critical component to the ADDIE model of the ISD field. From that first course, students learn to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate training courses, performance gap solutions, as well as classroom instruction.

The ISD field is wide open because most every field out there relies on instructional designers to create training and development programs. This is a program geared towards professionals who enjoy learning and sharing information, are critical thinkers, communicate well both in-person and in writing, and enjoy working in the gritty roots of the details.

The LAPT program offers certificate programs that allow a student to easily enter into the full master’s program. All courses work toward the master’s credential. The program is completely online to accommodate the schedules of busy wrong professionals.

“As a student in the program, I engage daily with peers and faculty to learn better ways of doing things. The discussions boards have taught me how to critically think and provide feedback in a concise, well-thought out manner. I’ve built connections with industry practitioners through classroom projects that challenge me to think deeper and extend beyond to find solutions and apply them in my current position at UMBC. The applied nature of this program enriches my professional experience and allows me to bring value and a level of expertise to my current endeavors.” – Dennise Cardona, UMBC staff member and Graduate Student, LAPT

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