Three Advantages to Online Learning

Professional Essentials

Expert tips to help students balance work, life, and academic success.

Online learning has many advantages for those who are self-directed and self-motivated. However, many students are hesitant to embrace remote learning as they believe it can be distracting and may decrease their productivity.

In this article, we’ll walk through the various considerations of remote learning. 

Online Learning Flexibility

Remote learning can have pros or cons depending on your preferred learning style. Online learning means holding yourself to a higher accountability standard. For some, this can be highly beneficial as it allows for more independence. You can learn at the pace you choose. Remote learning is excellent for those who know they can accomplish their goals without getting distracted. Of course, if you aren’t self-motivated and need more structure, you may benefit more from an in-person arrangement. 

As this article points out, the flexibility from an online environment gives you more freedom. You can schedule breaks when you need them and focus in shorter increments. Additionally, you can save money from not having to commute.  

Online Learning Accessibility

Remote learning is perfect for those who would prefer not to relocate for school. For those students who have families, online learning allows for more accessibility to cost-effective strategies of caring for children or elderly parents. The other convenience is comfort. You can wear comfy clothes, cook your own food, and save on stress and costs associated with commuting to school. 

Opportunities to Socialize

Some worry that learning remotely will leave them feeling isolated. You can easily combat the isolation through collaborating on projects. Collaborating on certain tasks, even if it is just a simple peer review, can help students feel more connected to their peers. 

Online learning can also allow you to create more connections beyond school. With less time traveling and being tied to a strict schedule, you can pursue other things that also enrich your mindset. 

While remote learning is not for everyone, it could be a perfect environment for you. So, consider the benefits we discussed in this article when deciding whether to learn in-person, online or in a hybrid style of learning.

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