UMBC Students Receive Career Guidance through Mentorships

Professional Essentials

Expert tips to help students balance work, life, and academic success.

When it comes to career guidance, UMBC’s Industrial/Organizational Psychology advisory board continues to step up and offer students the key ingredients to success. Last month’s Second Annual Advisory Board Recognition Event drew rave reviews from our I/O students, faculty, and alumni.

career guidance

Career Guidance at its Finest

UMBC’s recognition event revealed the gratitude students feel for the career guidance they received through their mentorships. Mentors are members of the Advisory Board and are comprised of representatives from business, industry and government who provide valuable input on program and curriculum development. As mentors, they offer career guidance on things like best practices, tips for success, and industry insights. The mentorship relationships nurture not only technical field knowledge, but also a manner to provide mentees career pathing within their area of interest.

The recognition event last month included:

  • A reception
  • A moderated panel discussion on consulting with three of our advisory board members
  • A gift of new UMBC work bags to our 12 advisory board members by their mentees as a “thank you” for their service to the program during 2017-2018

career guidance

Dr. Elliot Lasson, Graduate Program Director, moderated the event. The advisory board members on the panel included:

  • Dr. Lance Anderson, Director of Federal Talent Management at HumRRO
  • Dr. Fred Panzer, Director of Client Solutions at The Center for Organizational Excellence
  • Dr. Joann Sorra, Associate Director at Westat

The mentees gained valuable feedback and experience through their mentorships. They shared their experiences through a series of quotes presented at the event. Here’s a sampling:

Be Assertive

“Dr. Anderson has been a great mentor to me during my first year at UMBC. The most notable lesson he taught me was to be assertive and go after what I want. Also, to get creative with the path that gets you to your goals. His bold guidance has pushed me to become a better networker. Also, he has always presented me with opportunities to communicate with experts in the I/O Field. Under his guidance, I have become a great deal more confident in the knowledge and skills I have acquired since joining the program. So, thank you Dr. Anderson for your impact.” (-S.N)

Relevant Courses

“Dr. Sorra provided valuable insight into the nuances of the various career paths in the I/O Psychology field. She also gave me guidance on how the elective courses could have relevance in different tracks taken in the I/O Psychology. At last, Dr. Sorra has shared her own initial experiences in the field which will help to facilitate my professional development.” (-I.M.)

Sage Advice

“Ms. Mason Hall has been an exceptional mentor this semester. We have had the opportunity to discuss many topics related not only to the profession but to her experience. Most importantly, we engaged in an exchange on my plans following my completion of the UMBC program. She offered sage advice and wise counsel regarding next steps not only related to my career, but on how to stay relevant in this environment and how to give back to others. Also, she offered real-world experiences that would be beneficial regardless of where you are in your student or professional life. She is an asset to this program and to the students that have the benefit to interact with her.” (A.H.)


“Wendy Merrill has been an inspiration to me. She has encouraged me to take greater ownership of my career trajectory and pursuing what I want. Furthermore, she has instilled an enormous amount of confidence in me through her support, encouragement and her own go-getter attitude.” (-S.I.)

See the Hope

“Dr. Joann Sorra has truly exemplified what Oprah said: “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself… A mentor is someone who allows you to see the higher part of yourself when sometimes it becomes hidden to your own view.” (-C.G.)

The Industrial/Organizational Psychology program at UMBC-Shady Grove in Rockville, MD offers a Master of Professional Studies in I/O Psychology. UMBC’s program is a unique, highly applied program, providing graduate training focused on developing skills that are relevant in today’s job market. And if you’re looking for career guidance, we’ve got you covered!

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