How to Continue to Learn In and Out of the Office

Professional Essentials

Expert tips to help students balance work, life, and academic success.

Are you getting ready to graduate and are wondering how to manage your first entry-level job? These four tips about how to further advance your career will help you through it.

Improve your knowledge

Your first couple of jobs in your career will be the most rewarding and important. This is because these jobs will allow you to learn more about your field of work and how to communicate more professionally in order to move on to higher positions in the future. 

Make yourself marketable

Making yourself marketable means being an asset in everything you do at work. Be someone who is able to adapt to new changes and keep up with the ongoing changes that may arise in your career.

Grow with technology

Technology will never leave the functioning workplace! So, why not learn more about the software used in your field? Advance yourself by teaching yourself outside of the office, this will only help you!

Be a sponge!

Be a sponge! Be open to learning new skills whether that requires another field of work that you don’t specialize in, taking on new challenges, asking for extra assignments, moving locations, or learning a new software! Being adaptable is the biggest reason that connects improving your knowledge, making yourself marketable, and being able to grow with technology!

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